Mr Mathew will give a talk on “Evaluation of spin Hall oscillator in performing reservoir computing benchmark tasks”.
Mr Mohan will give a talk on “Reservoir computing with nonlinear dynamical oscillations of easy cone magnets”.
Mr Mathew will give a talk on “Evaluation of spin Hall oscillator in performing reservoir computing benchmark tasks”.
Mr Mohan will give a talk on “Reservoir computing with nonlinear dynamical oscillations of easy cone magnets”.
Physical Review Research誌に「Electric field induced parametric excitation of exchange magnons in a CoFeB/MgO junction」が掲載されました。
Mr Mathew and Mr Nakamura will give a talk on “Evaluation of memory capacity of spin Hall oscillator for physical reservoir computing“.
Mr Mohan and Mr Feng will give a talk on “Classification tasks using input driven nonlinear magnetization dynamics in spin Hall oscillator“.
Mr Shashank will give a talk on “Enhancement of spin Hall effect in O-implanted Pt by side jump scattering“.
Prof. Fukuma will give a talk on “classification tasks using nonlinear magnetization dynamics“.
Applied Physics Letters誌に「Facet controlled anisotropic magnons in YIG thin films」が掲載されました。
Accounts of Chemical Research誌に「Challenges and applications to operando and in situ TEM imaging and spectroscopic capabilities in a cryogenic temperature range」が掲載されました。
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials誌に「Investigation of structural, magnetic and electronic properties of FeTa films for varying Ta concentration at different annealing temperatures」が掲載されました。