Indian dinner party
Farewell party for the outgoing undergraduate students!
卒論発表会 -Final presentation for the Undergraduate students-
Analog Computer
Shashank Tyagi’s PhD interview
Kolkata and Delhi visit
International conference on currrent trends in materials and science and enginnering に参加するために、インドのコルカタに行ってきました。
Shashank Tyagi Visited India for Brother’s wedding.!!
Shashank Tyagi visited India to celebrate his brother’s wedding on 12th dec. He planned to stay for longer time but unfortunately, has to return early for the research plan. It was so enjoyable and pleasurable moments for him to visit his home country and meeting many people after long time.
“I enjoyed lot with my family and eat delicious Indian food after a long time. But little bit disappointed when sensei called to return early. Because of the hectic research schedule, I don’t know when I will visit again, maybe in my own wedding” : Tyagi